
Capturing images through passion.

The Fascination
A frozen moment in time, printed on paper. There lies a story, emotion, access to forgotten memories…

The Passion
A love of the ocean, nature, and the outdoors. If I could be someone else, it would be Sir David Attenborough.

Amazing backgrounds, fascinating stories, different perspectives. Mix fascination, passion, and people… Ready. Release the shutter.

Return of Kindness (ROK)
I like to give something back. 10% of all print sales go to a select few causes. Customers can decide which they prefer:

  • Sea Shepard Australia
  • The Ocean Cleanup
  • Parley for the Oceans
  • Take 3 for the Sea

When I travel, I’m always on the lookout for a means to help those less fortunate who are trying to do the right thing environmentally. That’s why I volunteer my photography and web development skills to bring these small businesses online. Read more about my volunteering.

Not a fan of plastic
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Plenty more on this on my dedicated plastic page.

I launched Jakob de Zwart Event and Portrait Photography in 2009. Event photography is still core to the business. I was born and raised in Sydney and was fortunate enough to call Clovelly home for a long time. In following my heart and passions, these days Byron Bay is the place I currently call home.

Trusted by
Some of our Clients we love working with

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5 Things you didn’t know

I travel mostly by scooter (beep, beep!) when not using my feet.

I love coffee, a great roast, and a talented barista!

I have a keen eye for a high-quality, Australian-made gin (I’m a soda guy, no tonic please).

I have 15+ years’ experience in web development (E-commerce, agency, and editorial).

My Keepcup and Flip and Tumble bags are always close by.

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