360 video

Latest 360 Video Experience: Swim with Majestic Manta

Take yourself on the experience of a lifetime in an immersive 360 snorkel at Julian Rocks, Byron Bay, Australia.

I was able to send a still image to the lovely folk at the Manta Trust, and he was successfully ID’d. I introduce to you: “Frederick Mikael,” AKA #1216.

Take yourself on the experience of a lifetime in an immersive 360 snorkel in the pristine Pacific blue waters off the island of Ha’apai, Tonga.


Using 360 VR / Video as a Marketing Tool for Destinations

Studies show that VR plays an important role in the decision-making process. Before purchasing a product, the viewer uses VR to evaluate a certain destination. The desire to visit the destination is higher after watching a 360º video. This is due to the simple fact that VR allows the viewer to have more realistic expectations of the destination.

A realistic perception of a place, its weather, landscape, interactions with nature, and the general environment.

Through VR, the viewer learns about the destination in a more interactive and faster way.

VR also stimulates senses such as vision and hearing. Some studies confirm that the more senses that are engaged, the more likely they are to engage a new customer.

Potential tourists are able to obtain a clearer perception of the destination.

Education and 360 VR / Video

Studies show that VR in the classroom has a higher tendency to reach more of the students. Children who don’t have the strong reading skills of those generally found at the top of the class find the information presented in VR easy to ingest and retain.

Please contact us to learn more, ask questions, or discuss any VR projects.
We’d love nothing more than to help.

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