I wouldn’t normal drop a video in, but you need to pay attention from the 37 sec mark… was very happy to this A, on the wall and B, without a 2nd thought Joel gave it a massive wrap!
I was behind the cameraman at the time and was very tempted to interject and claim some appraise but decided that would be very inappropriate. Any way here’s the original and its partner in crime along with some other Madden House warming pictures.
Lastly a massive thanks to all involved as you not have faith in my ability but you also make these amazing events so enjoyable to work on!
mcm media, what an events team. unstoppable. (visit take40.com)
vodafone, everyone was amazing, especially the social networking team. Loved your work on the media wall btw! (see more here and here)
Joel’s team, and lastly Joel himself. Even the small conversations had at the media wall while getting through almost a hundred pictures was time enough to realise he is a top bloke.
Plus a big thanks to the guys at ur1.com for helping out, because a great picture needs a great frame!